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Make Estate Planning a 2023 Priority

Underwood Scoggins
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Are you one of the millions of Americans who does not have an estate plan? Then, this blog is for you. Estate planning is one of the most important things every adult should do. Our team at Underwood Scoggins explains why this new year, you should add estate planning to the top of your resolutions list.

Being Prepared for the Future

The stark reality is that we do not know at what point our lives may come to an end, or we may become incapacitated. Estate planning helps prepare for that future so that your wishes can all be met, even if you cannot verbally communicate them. Within an estate plan, you can leave detailed instructions for:

  • How you want your estate divided
  • Your beneficiaries
  • The executor of your estate
  • Your funeral and burial/cremation wishes
  • Powers of attorney to make medical and financial decisions on your behalf
  • Important information about your personal accounts

This is all necessary information that should be shared with your loved ones in the event of your passing.

For Your Family

If you are to pass away or become incapacitated without an estate plan in place, the burden then falls on your loved ones. They will then need to make heavy decisions on your behalf, all while guessing what you would have wanted. This can be incredibly stressful and emotionally-taxing during the grieving period. Additionally, if you pass away without an estate plan, the government has more control over the distribution of your assets. Taking the time to estate plan can greatly help your family in the future.

Make Estate Planning a Priority with Underwood Scoggins

At Underwood Scoggins, we understand why people have a natural inclination to avoid estate planning, as it can seem both daunting and depressing. However, it’s crucial that you do not postpone estate planning until it is too late. Our attorneys work hard to make the process comfortable, straightforward, and as easy as possible for our clients. When you are ready to get started, you can reach us at (762) 300-3484. Let’s work together to get your plan in place this year!
