It is scary to think that the state of Georgia or your local government can swoop in and take your property when it feels it has just reason to do so, but it can. In some cases, it is possible to fight land condemnation. In others, it isn’t, but it is possible to seek just compensation for your property.
When Can the Government Use Eminent Domain?
Eminent domain is what allows the government to take a person’s land. However, eminent domain laws in Georgia are very specific in that they can only be used to take property for public use or benefit. Common reasons the government takes property include building or expanding roadways, public utility needs, and various construction projects.
What Is Just Compensation?
The government cannot just take your land and not offer you anything for it. By law, just compensation must be offered. What exactly does that mean?
Just compensation can mean different things to different people. Generally, it means fair market value for the land. There are different valuation methods used to determine what that is.
Protect Your Interests
As previously stated, it is possible to stop the government from taking your property sometimes, but sometimes it is not. Legal counsel may be able to help you stop land condemnation in its tracks or at least help you fight for fair compensation for your property. To learn more about how having an experienced real estate attorney on your side when the government is trying to take your land, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.