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Contract Disputes: A Broad Universe in the Commercial Realm

Underwood Scoggins

Some uncertainties reign as constants in the business world, given its complex and challenging environment. Alliances change. Rivals emerge. Public tastes evolve. New technologies spur revolutionary developments.

In short, there is flux and, well, predictable unpredictability to contend with.

Yet there are also things an entrepreneur or established business principal can rest assured will occur, time and again.

Business conflict is one of them.

An in-depth online overview of civil litigation and contract breach prominently notes that via a contrasting of the “perfect world” with “the real world of business.” The former is perpetually serene and problem-free. In the latter, all kinds of snags occur to undermine business expectations and sour relationships.

When business conflict arises, affected parties can often dampen it through negotiations and a relatively civil outcome that allows for a continued relationship and profitable prospects.

Not always, though. We stress on our website at the proven Georgia business law firm of Underwood Scoggins that some commercial conflict is simply too severe “to merely be settled with a handshake.” The only way to resolve it – especially if it is a festering and material contractual breach – is through formal litigation.

That tack unquestionably favors the input of a deeply experienced legal team that has achieved favorable results for clients via court outcomes in many instances. Most commercial disputes are resolved through settlements, never actually slogging through a trial to its conclusion. It is the recognized ability of an advocate to take a matter to court and prevail, though, that often spurs a favorable client outcome.

Contractual impasses in the above-cited real world span myriad possibilities, potentially involving business partners, employees, customers, suppliers and vendors, municipal entities, lenders and other parties. Questions or concerns regarding any aspect of a contractual breach can be directed to a seasoned team of civil litigators at an established business law firm.
