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Get a Grasp on Zoning Laws

Underwood Scoggins

Cities in Georgia, both big and small, are all laid out in certain ways. It is this way to keep certain properties in certain places. This can be for safety reasons, but it is also often to give the town a specific flow. Zoning laws are in place to keep things in order — so to speak.

Zoning laws are not created by just one individual who has a vision for the city. Land use is decided in a legislative process. The laws are created based on a collective view of how the city should grow and develop over time. Once agreed upon, a zoning ordinance is issued. Once set, zoning laws can be difficult — but not impossible — to change.

Those who find themselves running afoul with zoning laws and how they wish to utilize their property may appeal to the zoning commission to make a change. There is more to making an appeal than writing a simple letter or going before a zoning committee. One must be able to show why the rezoning is necessary, how it will fit into the overall city plan and, basically, why it is a good thing.

Georgia residents who have concerns about zoning laws can ask questions and take a stand when necessary. This is not something they have to do alone. An attorney with experience handling zoning issues may be able to help. Through spot zoning, conditional use ordinances or other variances, it may be possible for one to get the approval needed to use his or her land as desired.
