Legal jargon can be downright confusing. When it comes to land use and zoning, there are a number of terms that Georgia residents may not be familiar with or fully understand. Knowing what these terms mean could prove helpful when dealing with a property issue.
A few legal terms often heard when dealing with land use and zoning issues include easement, eminent domain, trespassing and adverse possession. An easement allows more than one party access to a particular piece of property. This property may be owned by one party, but the easement allows the other party to use a particular part of the property if necessary to access his or her own property.
Eminent domain refers to the government’s ability to take one’s property for government use. The government cannot take property without offering fair compensation for it. A property owner may try to fight to keep their property rather than take the offered compensation.
Trespassing is entering or setting foot on another person’s property without permission. This is illegal and can result in one being arrested and criminally charged. Adverse possession refers to having another person’s property in one’s possession while claiming rights of ownership.
All of these terms are very real land use and zoning problems that can prove challenging to fight. However, with help, it is possible to take the actions necessary to pursue an agreeable outcome. Georgia residents can turn to a skilled attorney for assistance in understanding legal terms with which they may not be completely familiar, and also handling their land use and zoning issues.