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Is Business Planning Really That Important?

Underwood Scoggins

There are a lot of people in Georgia who are the “flying by the seat of my pants” kind of people. They take things one day at a time and make decisions on the fly. This is all well and good for some things in life. When it comes to the future of one’s business, though, it may not be for the best. Business planning really is an important part of owning and operating a successful company.

Business planning is about setting goals and describing how you plan to achieve them. Where do you see your business five or 10 years from now? What steps are you going to take to get there?

It is also about showing an understanding of one’s product and the market for that product. It is a way for you to gain an understanding of what your consumers want and who your competition is. It is also about preemptive problem solving. If an issue arises — whether it is with customers, partners, employees or suppliers — how will you resolve it? Knowing what actions you plan to take now will only help if a problem does come up later.

Business planning covers a lot of ground. It gives you purpose and direction for your business and can also help you if you are looking to take on a partner or are in need of investors. Yes, these plans do need modifying on occasion; in fact, it is good to review such plans every so often to make sure you are on track or to see what changes need to be made. Whether you like planning or not, an experienced attorney can help you create a plan that will best serve you in the long run. To learn more about how a Georgia-based business attorney can be of assistance to you and your company, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.
