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Georgia Probate: Protecting Your Children

Underwood Scoggins

You and your spouse are young and still have small children at home. Your life is busy, and you don’t want to think about what will happen to your children if you and your spouse were to die unexpectedly. The problem with not thinking about it is, instead of your kids going to someone you know and trust in the event such a tragedy does occur, they will likely end up in the state system for a while until everything can be sorted out in Georgia probate court. 

Estate plans are not just for older adults. They are not just about protecting and dividing assets. They are about protecting yourself, your spouse, your children and your assets. They are about giving direction to loved ones so that nothing is lost in all the confusion and chaos that can occur when trying to close out an estate. 

When it comes to your children, don’t you want to have a say in who should take care of them? Don’t you want to make sure they are provided for financially? Don’t you want to make sure they inherit any property that is important to you or would have sentimental value for them? Without an estate plan in place, all these things may not happen. 

At the end of the day, the probate process can take a while in Georgia if there is no will or other estate planning documents in place. This can leave children, their futures and their inheritances in limbo. This does not have to happen, though. You can protect your children by taking the right steps now. To learn how an attorney can help you with that, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.