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Building Impact and Land Use

Underwood Scoggins

There is a lot of land open and ready for development in Georgia. This does not mean that just anyone can buy the property and use it as they see fit. Building impacts the environment. As such, land use may be restricted in some areas, unless developers can prove that they will be building green.

How does building impact the environment? It actually does in a number of ways. First, let’s look at energy use. Currently, buildings consume 73 percent of the United State’s electricity. Construction brings more buildings and more energy use.

Second, construction impacts air quality. CO2 emissions increase with every new build. Third, construction increases water use and water quality. Not only do buildings use a lot of water after they are completed, during the construction process — and even after the fact, — harmful chemicals may seep into the water system, contaminating local water sources.

Finally, there is a lot of waste materials left over from construction or demolition. In 2003, 170 million tons of construction waste materials were dumped in landfills. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 44,000 commercial buildings are torn down every year and 170,000 are built. That is a lot of waste every year that continues to impact the environment.

Those who wish to develop land in Georgia have to it in properly zoned areas. Even then, land use concerns may be brought up depending on the type of development one has in mind. This can create legal troubles for a developer that need to be dealt with in a timely fashion. A skilled land use attorney can help developers who run into such issues fight for resolution.
